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NumExt Add-on



Updated on December 5, 2023


I developed this project after a friend of mine complained to me that she would take a lot of time to write monetary values in documents like contracts. To my surprise, there was no add-on option on Google Workspace Marketplace to convert the number representation of the monetary value into its text representation, so I went ahead and built the tool.

How it looks

Here's a screenshot of the add-on's sidebar:

NumExt Add-on


To release the app, I had to navigate the steps outlined in the Google Workspace documentation. While the documentation is a bit confusing , the process turned out to be quicker than I expected. I suspect the speed was due to the app's simplicity.

  • OAuth Verification: I followed the steps as laid out in the documentation. I received an email asking me to update the Privacy Policy of the add-on's site, which I promptly did. The verification was granted the following day, and the entire process took less than 3 days.

  • Google Workspace Marketplace Listing: I also followed the steps in the documentation. However, I believe Google could enhance the instructions a bit. When adding the necessary scopes for my add-on, I removed the default scopes ( and userinfo.profile) since they were not listed on my Apps Script project. Unfortunately, the initial publish application was rejected specifically because of this. The email rejecting my application highlighted that the default scopes should not be removed. This left me questioning why there's even an option to remove them from the app's configuration.

Next steps

While the add-on is production-ready, I do want to improve it, mainly adding support for more currency options as well as languages. Apart from that, I think the other changes will be a direct result of users' feedback.


You can install the add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace:

Google Workspace Marketplace badge